Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Upcycled Sewing Jars

Another addition to our range of stock are these Upcycled Sewing Jars.
These upcycled jars are ideal for storage of a small starter sewing kit, or travel sewing kit.  Our range of jars have an incorporated pin cushion with plenty of storage for the included spools of cotton. Also included are some pins to help you fashion your garments!
We have really built on the natural beauty of the classic glass jar. A very aesthetically pleasing design, they have been decorated to add a nautical element and a small patch of kitsch fabric adorns the pin cushion. 
When ordering please state your preference for pin cushion fabric. We have a quality small gingham blue check or classic rose print. We can do a range of design for the jars, single block colours in Blue, Black and White or a striped design of Blue and White. They also come as a regular size, or you can choose the larger variation for the dedicated makers out there.
Please note that the style of jar may differ to that pictured.
With these jars you really can make do and mend!
These can both be purchased from our Etsy Shop

Saturday, 18 May 2013

New Tattoo Inspired Illustrations Available

Hello Everyone!

Following a lot of research and drawing I am now pleased to announce that a selection of original illustrations have gone onto my Etsy store here http://www.etsy.com/shop/HoldFastCoBrighton. All the illustrations that you can find there are inspired by current and traditional tattoo flash designs.

Each design is hand drawn to order (not a print!) using techniques commonly used on tattoo flash sheets. Lovingly drawn on a high quality paper these traditional flash illustrations would look brilliant in a contemporary home with clean crisp walls or in a traditionally styled household.

My illustrations will come unframed in a protective wallet but ,as they are all A4 in size, it will be straightforward to get them mounted in a frame size of your choice. Alternatively we can source a frame for your print if you wish. Just let us know!

All images can be stained for that traditional, tattoo shop look or left white if that is what you would prefer. Just let me know and I will cater for your needs!

I hope you like what you see but if you have a particular design that you like then please get in touch via holdfastco@hotmail.co.uk. I'm constantly working on and searching for new designs and believe me, there's a lot to get through!
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hold Fast Co.